Spring 2020 at Windyhill Garden

With our very mild winter, spring was beautiful at Windyhill. The early spring color was spectacular, as were the TB iris in the courtyard.

I have now changed out the containers for the summer heat. Shown are a few followed by the spring pictures.

I enjoy container gardening and I have now changed them out for summer. I still enjoy mixing annuals with perennials as shown.
Petunias with snapdragons.
These selections brighten a corner on the back porch. I try to have lots of red in this area because this is where the hummingbird feeders are located. I have never seen the hummers going to the Angelwing Begonia but I still like them.
Spring is coming around the corner. Welcome to Windyhill Garden.
Azalea ‘Autumn Fire’ w/ Solomons Seal my mom gave Wanda about 20 years ago.
Leucojum Aestivum: aka ‘Snowflakes’
‘Salmon Pearl’ tulip. Often tulips are annuals. This variety has continued to perform well for us for a few years.
Deciduous Azalea are always a pretty early spring bloomer.
Flowering Quince ‘Scarlet Storm’. We have over 100′ border of these by our daylily display beds. It is spectacular right now in early spring.
‘Yoshino’ Cherry Tree. When these are in bloom in Washington, it must be spectacular to see.
Double flowering ‘Japanese Kerria’. Daylily folks don’t give yellow enough credit. Yellows really brighten up the garden all year regardless of the plant species.
Viburnum ‘Mariesii’: In person, it has this same green cast to the blooms, as well as the really neat leathery creped leaves. The blooms have a somewhat flat look, much like French Lace Cap Hydrangea blooms.
Lenton Rose (Helleborus) ‘Tutu’. Alwaus pretty winter color when there is little else with color in the garden. Notice how the blooms change color through their life.
Last years selected daylily seedlings and the Flowering Quince border. Picture taken 3/24/2020.